
Baby Updates

I am 33 weeks into my pregnancy and it literally feels like I'm at a peak of a rollercoaster ready to take a dive. I am so terrified of the unknown, but I am so excited at the same time. February passed by so quickly that it's hard to document everything that's happened.

One thing I want to share though is my nephew Chok's funny reaction to Stella. While we only see each other online, I ADORE my nephew and he knows it. So when he learned that I was having a baby, it was almost like he was having an anxiety attack. Whenever my mom and I would be chatting on Messenger and would mention Stella, he suddenly excuses himself to go home. He didn't want to hear about Stella, and we have made a conscious effort not to mention her when he's around.

I'm so happy because last night, it sounded like he finally understood what's going on. He said he's going to play with Stella and go with her to Enchanted Kingdom. Which made me so proud of my ChokChok and made me miss him more. I can't wait to go home as soon as possible :)

Lella's big Kuya
March will surely be busy for us. My sister-in-law Debra is hosting my baby shower next weekend, and she has made the cutest invites :)

Diaper Invitation

My Stellalella's shower
My mom is also scheduled to arrive here via San Francisco on the 26th. I have classes and checkups scheduled left and right. We still need to buy a lot of things for my daughter. Gary finished fixing the basics of her nursery, and after seeing everything come together, we were just so overwhelmed by happiness---she's almost here!!! :)

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