
luv sic

the husband has been training for more than half a month now, and it's starting to be pretty difficult. he's at the national training center in the middle of nowhere (the closest landmark is nevada, but even that is about 3hours away), and he's not allowed to use his phone. we're paying for 700 unused minutes this month.

this is supposed to be training for both soldiers and their families. ntc is pretty much a replica of a village in the middle east, and the conditions there are as close as they can get to iraq or afghanistan. as for us family members, this could be how seldom we hear from our soldiers. it's hard.

it wasn't long ago when gary asked me to go with him to fort bliss. i knew it wasn't a happy bring-your-wife-to-work kind of invite, but the dreaded pre-deployment briefing. it was something both of us would rather not hear, but we needed to. while at the auditorium along with hundreds of soldiers with their wives and other family members, i couldn't help but look around and hope that everyone will make it back safely after 12months. it's too stressful just to sit there and listen.

gary's tentative deployment date is nov.17 this year. we wouldn't be spending christmas, our first anniversary, his birthday, my birthday, and all other important events together. but more than this sad truth, i'm worried about him being out there. just yesterday, when he was able to sneak a call using his troopmate's phone, he told me he hasn't been sleeping well, hasn't been able to shower, and hasn't been eating enough because they were in some desert, firing. it really is heartbreaking being apart, and i have to convince myself to be strong for him when he can't. we both have our work cut out for us.

                one afternoon after work, he was running late. turned out he got me a little something :D

i love this picture. disneyland, july 3, 2009

this was taken during one of our movie dates. the story goes that before going to the movies, we checked the lotto ticket we bought a few days back, and realized we won. $5. haha we got two of the numbers, and were among the hundreds of thousands who won five bucks that draw. then we went on to watch the time traveler's wife, where the lead male, who can time travel, bought a lotto ticket with the winning numbers. gary tells me he should have stayed long enough in the future to get all the numbers right. corny, but we had a good laugh :)

1 comment:

  1. I particularly love how the roses were arranged. Cheers to your "luv sic" soul :p


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