
scheming technophile

I'm an Aquarian. I've always carried the traits of my birth sign: I find it natural to talk exhaustively to people, I'm a free-spirit, and I'm loyal. I also carry the dark Aquarius side of being uptight, unforgiving and unable to speak out emotions (I can write them though :P ). Another thing I've always known about myself, but never really attributed to my birth sign until very recently, was my love for laptops and ipods and computer softwares and cellular phones. Apparently, according to this lady astrologist who was on TV last Christmas suggesting which gift to give which sign, Aquarius people are technophiles.

So you can imagine how psyched I was to learn that Gary's debit account has accumulated so many rebate points he's never claimed, and that he's letting me use them to get whatever electronic device fits his reward points. I got myself a point and shoot camera, which has yet to get to me.

In comes another one of my Aquarius traits: unpredictability. For some reason, I fell in love with another digital camera along the way: A Canon A1000 IS in brown, my favorite color. And I can't get over it. So what do I do with this nagging techno-lust when I have another free camera that's on the way?

I scheme. My mom's coming here for a visit next month, and I sweet-talked her into buying me the Canon (more expensive, of course)and I'll give her the other camera. "It's like buying me a gift, only I'll give you another gift in return."

I'm shameless :D


  1. hahaha. nice to see you blogging again.

    we really ARE true-blooded aquarians!!! i can relate to everything! my dad retired to the philippines so i gave him my hp laptop but he had to buy me a macbook in exchange...

    how's life in texas?! hope to see you sometime soon.

  2. that's so funny! :D i'm doing ok, still adjusting but very happy :) i always check if you have a new post...isang post naman dyan! ;)


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