
We're having....

A Baby Girl! :)

I was so convinced that Gary and I were expecting a boy because, well, I look like a guy these days and the doctor said the baby's a "mover" with a fast, strong heartbeat...so we're still processing the fact that we're having a little girl soon :)

Everyone predicted the baby would be a girl though. Even when Gary and I went to the Asian store, the Vietnamese cashiers whispered profusely to each other and told me that I was going to have a girl. My mom wants a baby girl for me too, and while I initially wanted a boy (Gary will tell you he's okay with either but really I think he was on Blue Team too) I'm getting really excited about the arrival of my sweet innocent daughter.

She registered very well on her latest ultrasound. My doctor gave her a shining assessment. We're so thrilled!

the wonderful e-mail from Dr. Nomura
We tried to get down to business right after learning the baby's gender. Gary wants two names (so typically Filipino LOL) and I've picked her first name already. This is subject to change really, but we already started calling her Stella. The name just came to me out of the blue and when I searched for the meaning online, it said it's Latin for "star." You can't beat that :)
Our Stellalela
At 19 weeks, I am HUGE. It's funny how everything gets bigger during pregnancy. My nose, my tummy, my feet...you can pretty much see what else inflates :P

I can't say enough how utterly lucky I feel to finally be expecting. We can't wait to see how our little bundle of joy looks like. Personally, I want her to look more like Gary, but ask him and he'll tell you he wants it the other way around. Either way, we just want mommy and baby to be healthy.


  1. Congratualtions, Pol and Gary! Your little star bundle is now on her way to see the world. Happy for you. =)

  2. Thanks Da! Regards to everyone :)


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